Thursday, July 23, 2009

Mistakes you can make in your first job

1. Not taking time to study the fundamentals.
Eg: If you are expected to write C++ program, first learn C++. Take time to understand classes, inheritance, composition, etc. By understand, I mean you not only need to know the syntax, but also imagine the scenarios in which they are useful (an which they are not). If you don't know STL or smart pointers, believe me you would be re-inventing some of its code inefficiently :) and your code might be prone to bugs.

2. Google search before you ask your team lead or team members. This protects you from asking stupid questions or worse committing stupid mistakes.

3. Under-estimating the importance of "requirement gathering" and "design" phase aka Start coding immediately. A good programmer always takes time to understand the problem and create a big picture of the project in his/her head.

4. Trying too hard to present what you are not. It is extremely difficult to live a lie. Remember honesty should be coupled with extreme desire to improve yourself and also hard-work.

5. Blaming others to improve your chances of staying in the job. Believe me nobody likes a snitch. If you commit a mistake, be brave and accept the responsibility. Be proactive and ask the mentor for what you can do to improve your chances instead.

6. Disregarding "Murphy's law" and not clearing your expectations with team members.
If you think there is slightest possiblity of any team member to commit certain mistake or make certain wrong assumption, clarify it.

7. Delving into details without getting the big picture (kind of re-statement of point 3). But this is so common that I need to mention it again.

8. While using new software library, not differentiating the interface part and core problem part of the project.

9. Ignoring the coding standards of company. If you company does not have one, try to follow the coding standards given in the book C++ Coding Standards: 101 Rules, Guidelines, and Best Practices.

10. Reinventing the wheel in your design aka not knowing what are design patterns. If you don't know what design pattern mean read Head First Design Pattern. If you have already taken course in design patterns, then revising Gang of Four book won't hurt.

11. Not using a version control. Chances are that you would break the working code when you are trying to add new functionality. If you are using a version control, then remember to add messages like "Working version 1.4", etc. and learn how to revert back to certain version. If you are not allowed to use version control, make copies whenever you implement and test new functionality.

12. Not discussing your design with others aka school-children syndrome. Think of it this way rather than sharing your trade-secrets; by explaining or helping others, you improve your knowledge base.

13. Not respecting chain of command. Always give credits to your mentors, even if you think they have not helped you in it. It is even worse, if you complain against your mentors to their managers. Remember habit 4 (Think Win-win) of 7 habits of highly effective people.

Two books you must read and re-read before joining the job,
1. 7 habits of highly successful people by Stephen Covey. (Summary)
2. Getting things done by David Allen. (Summary)

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